Learning WebC

A collection of pitfalls I encountered while learning the templating language WebC

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  • WebC is a templating language for building static websites with Eleventy. It brings "first-class components to Eleventy" and allows you to easily progressively enhance your blog like adding web components to it. These are reasons I wanted to try it as even the official site seems to be switching to it. But what pushed me over the edge was using the official Eleventy Image plugin which for me is an easier solution to optimizing my images than the other ways to integrate the plugin.

    List of pitfalls I encountered

    Looping through posts

    This is one of the most basic things a blog wants to do. And it is very simple with WebC, but it took me longer to find out how to do than I'd want to admit. The solution:

      <li webc:for="post of collections.post">
        <h2 @text="post.data.title"></h2>

    Thanks to Raymond Camden's blog post for putting me on the right track. If you search on the web you are most likely to find a different solution: Writing some JavaScript to create HTML markup string. Which would look something like this:

    <script webc:setup>
      function getHighlightedBlogPostContent(collection) {
        let posts = findBy(collection, "data.homePageHighlight", true);
        if (!posts.length) {
          return "";
        let content = [];
        let index = 0;
        for (let post of posts) {
            `<li><a href="${post.url}">${index === 0 ? `<strong>` : ""}${
            }${index === 0 ? `</strong>` : ""}</a> (<em>${newsDate(
        // 10 hardcoded posts on the blog
          `<li>…and <a href="/blog/">${
            collection.length + 10 - posts.length
          } more on the <strong>blog archives</strong></a>.</li>`
        return `${content.join("")}`;

    This is from the official eleventy website repository. Though it is an unfair comparison as it does more than the first example. But it illustrates how most examples I could find for looping through posts use custom markup generating JavaScript. Which for my basic usecase felt icky.

    Loop Syntax Gotcha

    The WebC Syntax aims to be like JavaScript so you need to use webc:for="item **of** items" instead of webc:for="item **in** items. But this is probably just a 11pm recovering from feeling sick skill issue. And if we want to blame someone we should blame JS. (Why is it in for object properties in the first place?)

    Include bundled scripts

    If you use a script tag without the webc:keep attribute, add <script webc:keep @raw="getBundle('js')"></script> in your layout so that it appears in the head or wherever you want the script to land. Otherwise the script will not be loaded.